Unfabulous is an American children's television series that aired on Nickelodeon. The series is about an "unfabulous"...
Country: USA
Alma de Hierro is a 2008–2009 Mexican telenovela produced by Televisa. It is a remake of the Argentinian soap opera...
Country: MX Mx
Amanda and Alex have a fling going on as they find out that their parents are getting a divorce. To complicate things...
Country: SE Se
Five Mile Creek is a western television drama series produced in Australia; starred Liz Burch, Louise Caire Clark, Ro...
Country: AU Au
Lotte is a Dutch telenovela television series. The series is broadcast by the commercial station Tien, upon which it ...
Country: NL Nl
Little House on the Prairie is an American Western drama television series, starring Michael Landon, Melissa Gilbert,...
Country: USA
Continuing drama combining romance and intrigue set against the glittering backdrop of Beverly Hills and the American...
Country: USA
Sous le soleil is a French soap opera broadcast on French major channel TF1 since 1996.
Country: FR Fr
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