This documentary series tells the stories of a host of historic paintings that have been tragically lost, stolen or d...
Country: UK
Robson Green pushes the angling boundaries further than ever before in search of the Ultimate Catch. Travelling to i...
Country: UK
The show documents the efforts of Chuck Palumbo (a former WWE wrestler and mechanic) and his partner Rick Dore (a cus...
Country: USA
Lava Chasers is a reality series that follows the scientists and adventurers who study volcanoes in Hawaii....
Food Inspectors is presented by Chris Hollins and Matt Allwright. They take a look at the work of food inspectors as ...
Country: UK
Hold onto your Akubra's and watch out for those crocs because when you’re a Territory Cop, no shift is ever the sam...
Country: AU Au
Explores the hidden secrets of three of the most fascinating cities of the ancient world: Cairo, Athens and Istanbul....
Country: USA
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