Kitagawa Keiko plays Sasaki Rena, a detective who risks her life investigating detectives for her dead sister. Beaut...
Country: JP Jp
Baek Beom has worked as a forensic doctor for 10 years. He has a bad personality, but he is excellent with his work. ...
Country: KR Kr
Ishikawa Ango is a very capable detective that lives only for his job. One day, while investigating a crime scene, he...
Country: JP Jp
A terminally ill girl named Himari Takakura is miraculously saved from death by a strange spirit who resides in a pen...
Country: JP Jp
A series of serial killings is exposed and creates a stir among the public. A killer called "Darker" has been leaving...
Country: CN Cn
Tae Pyeong is a prophet. When he looks into someone's eye, he can see the moment right before they die. Tae Pyeong is...
Country: KR Kr
A war veteran turned private detective operates out of a tiny office in London’s Denmark Street. Although wounded b...
Country: UK
Interesting modern actualization made by Italian broadcasting service (RAI) of immortal, well-known characters create...
Country: IT It
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