This drama-documentary series takes us back in time to the most shocking and surprising murder cases in London, Engla...
Country: UK
A six-year project from conception to completion, Vietnam: A Television History carefully analyzes the costs and cons...
Country: USA
Noted Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates, Jr. has been helping people discover long-lost relatives hidden for generat...
Country: USA
The training programme of one of World War Two's most covert organisations, the Special Operations Executive or SEO, ...
Country: UK
A comprehensive and definitive history of the American Civil War.
Country: USA
In this blend of historical drama and original source material, the story of this decisive year is remagined, not fro...
Country: UK
20th Century Battlefields is a BBC documentary television series hosted by television and radio personality Peter Sno...
Series of feature-length documentaries about persons of interest throughout history, including many royals, both Fren...
Country: FR Fr
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