MythBusters is a science entertainment television program created and produced by Australia's Beyond Television Produ...
Country: USA
The science of living and the randomness of death are combined with a dash of Darwinism. Forensic experts, pathologis...
Country: USA
In Tokyo's downtown district of Ikebukuro, amidst many strange rumors and warnings of anonymous gangs and dangerous o...
Country: JP, Jp
Yamishibai is a picture-story style of animation whose motif is surrounded and based off the rumors, and urban legend...
Country: JP, Jp
Follow Rob Lowe and his two sons, Matthew and John Owen, as they investigate unsolved legends and eerie age-old stori...
Country: USA
Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories spin-off.The story will center on the Tōkeshū ninja group in Tokyo, the city whe...
Country: JP, Jp
Urban Legends is a 30 minute 2007 television documentary-style series hosted by Michael Allcock. David Hewlett became...
Country: USA
Trial of Leaves is an ongoing YouTube series set within The Slender Man Mythos. Having started at the beginning of 20...