Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist is an American animated series that originally ran on Comedy Central from May 28, 19...
Country: USA
Fiona Wallice is a therapist with little patience for her patients. Tired of hearing about people's problems for fift...
Country: USA
Charlie is a non-traditional therapist specializing in anger management. He has a successful private practice and he ...
Country: USA
After being rejected from every medical residency program on his list, Dr. David Tracy scrambles to perform 1750 hour...
Country: USA
Michael: Tuesdays and Thursdays is a Canadian television sitcom that debuted on CBC Television in 2011.
Country: CA, Ca
The Psych Crimes Unit, a unique team of police detectives and mental health professionals, is tasked with solving biz...
Country: CA, Ca
Dr. Craig Huffstodt, a family man and a successful psychiatrist, gets a wake-up call after a tragedy occurs with one ...
Country: USA
Set within the highly charged confines of individual psychotherapy sessions and centering around Dr. Paul Weston, a p...
Country: USA, IL
The Bob Newhart Show is an American situation comedy produced by MTM Enterprises, which aired 142 original episodes o...
Country: USA
Mental is a television series produced by Fox's subsidiary Fox Telecolombia, which aired in the summer and fall of 20...
Country: USA, CO
Meet Dag, a couple's therapist who holds a 90% divorce rate. His philosophy in life is that people should live alone ...
Country: NO, No
Philippe Jacob has acquired a reputation as the best psychologist in the city. And yet, at almost fifty, he finds him...
Country: CA, Ca
Rebecca Miller, a tired therapist judicious therapies and unnecessary childhood regression decides to launch a revolu...
Country: ES, Es