Fearless, free-spirited Hilda finds new friends, adventure and magical creatures when she leaves her enchanted forest...
Country: UK
Magic Knight Rayearth is a Japanese manga series created by Clamp, an all-female manga artist team consisting of Sats...
Country: JP, Jp
It has been several centuries since human population has declined. Food has become harder to find and what little sou...
Country: JP, Jp
In the near future, in a world born of human imagination, what humans would call ghosts or monsters appear, and they ...
Country: JP, Jp
Takes place during the Hundred Years War in France. Maria, a powerful young witch who cannot tolerate war, uses her p...
Country: JP, Jp
Loving, loyal and unafraid, the daughter of a wanted robber chief makes a secret friend in her father's magical and t...
Country: SE, Se