Kamichu! is a Japanese anime television series, strongly influenced by the Shinto religion, that follows the adventur...
Country: JP, Jp
Aishiteruze Baby is a shōjo romance manga by Yoko Maki. It was serialized by Shueisha in Ribon from April 2002 and J...
Country: JP, Jp
Sekai-Ichi Hatsukoi: Onodera Ritsu no Baai is a Japanese boys-love manga series written and illustrated by Shungiku N...
Country: JP, Jp
At the age of 35, Hector happens to meet his childhood love Louise and falls in love with her all over again. But the...
Country: FR, Fr
A Keio University (one of the top three colleges in Japan) exam candidate, Touma Inaba, is interrupted when a cute yo...
Country: JP, Jp, UK
Friends suck, and trusting someone is just setting yourself up. That's the lesson Mei Tachibana learned after her hea...
Country: JP, Jp
The life of a 15 year-old high school student, whose angst-ridden journey through adolescence, friendship, parents, a...
Country: USA
Due to various personal reasons, a group of Yun Tae-o’s friends move into his house, where they experience love, fr...
Country: KR, Kr
Ao Horie’s father, a popular erotic fiction author, chose Ao’s name because A stands for “apple” and O stands...
Country: JP, Jp
Aoi Miura (Sota Fukushi) was born and grew up in Toyama Prefecture. He has an indecisive personality and does not lik...
Country: JP, Jp
Circumstances condemn Oh Soo and Oh Young to loveless lives. After the untimely death of his first love, Oh Soo turns...
Country: KR, Kr
The girls in a high school literature club do a little icebreaker to get to know each other: answering the question, ...
Country: JP, Jp
Mal Ja who is a part-time worker at a PR company loves all living creatures, but she has experienced a trauma with ho...
Country: KR, Kr
The romantic comedy follows the everyday life of an extremely tsundere boy named Atsuhiro "Akkun" Kagari and his girl...
Country: JP, Jp
A story of two couples' journey of new love, loss and unexpected reunion spans decades, from the 1970s through presen...
Country: KR, Kr
Hatori Chise is only 16, but she has lost far more than most. With neither family nor hope, it seems all doors are cl...
Country: JP, Jp
At first glance Yukishiro Nanako seems like a normal high school girl, but she has a notable eccentricity: instead of...
Country: JP, Jp
Erika Shinohara has taken to lying about her romantic exploits to earn the respect of her new friends. So when they a...
Country: JP, Jp
What's your brother like? To Miao, her brother Fen is someone who would tease her and make her explode 100 times a da...
Country: JP, Jp
The serious Ito and the child-like Nishi meet by chance during a single player game of "White Line Game" on the way h...
Country: JP
A coming-of-age story that follows a group of students with an interest in debate.
Freshman Bai Yu studi...
Country: CN
Dong Kyung has been working hard ever since her parents passed away. Her life seems to get stable after working as an...
Country: KR, Kr
A fantasy romance drama that goes back and forth between the past and the present through her first love that she los...
Country: KR
The four friends, Leo, Iggy, Sam and Alex, transform overnight into a successful boy band. But what happens to their ...
Country: SE, Se
A man and a woman who are emotionally scarred due to a murder case that took place in their past has their fates inte...
Country: KR, Kr
Eun Ha-Won is a college student. She is a bright girl who wants to be a veterinarian, but at home she is lonely. She ...
Country: KR, Kr
A mermaid from the Joseon period ends up in present-day Seoul, where she crosses paths with a swindler who may have t...
Country: KR, Kr
Star Entertainment is the top entertainment agency in China. It was set up by a couple, Cheng Tian Hao and Du Wan Qin...
Country: CN
A young cartoonist intentionally gets near Ji Yan Xin, a cold and arrogant professor. Qi Nian, a girl with a straight...
Teens Charlie and Nick discover their unlikely friendship might be something more as they navigate school and young l...
Country: UK
Shan Junhao is the CEO of Senwell. He's a hard-hitting leader who never takes half measures to achieve what he wants....
Country: CN, Cn