In Victorian-era London, on the night of Ciel Phantomhive's tenth birthday a fire destroyed his manor and killed both...
Country: JP, Jp
Count Duckula is a vegetarian vampire duck, coming into the world as an accident. Unlike his family and ancestors, he...
Country: UK
Mr. Belvedere is an American sitcom that originally aired on ABC from March 15, 1985, until July 8, 1990. The series ...
Country: USA
Uesugi Ren and his sister Mihato ran away from home because of domestic violence. When they at last reach the city th...
Country: Jp
A satirical inversion of the ideal of the perfect American nuclear family, they are an eccentric wealthy family who d...
Country: USA
Thad's wealthy family has hired a new butler, Luv. Ever since Luv entered the house, Thad hasn't been able to keep hi...
Country: TH, Th