Two part mini-series follows the journeys of two different groups of modern humans as they encounter other human spec...
Stars: Rayna Campbell, Jimmy Akingbola, Angela Wynter
In 2002, Mackenzie's four-year-old daughter became the third generation in her family to be diagnosed with Type 1 dia...
Country: USA
Country: UK
Country: UK
Stars: Sergei Gaschak, Victoria Gill, Tatiana Kravchenko
CHASING TRANE is the definitive documentary film about an outside-the-box thinker with extraordinary talent whose bou...
Country: United States of America
Stars: Denzel Washington, Common, Bill Clinton,
Cluster Bombs tells the story of New Zealand's central role in the global movement to ban cluster bombs and stop civi...
Country: New Zealand
Chief Washakie lived through the period of the great western migration in America. From the time of Lewis and Clarke ...
Country: USA
Stars: James Goodman
Two-part natural history series following the fortunes of one very special pack of wolves as they return to North Ame...
Stars: Gordon Buchanan, Ron Gillette, Scott Rockholm
San Francisco was the epicenter of the American rave scene and witnessed some legendary events that began in the earl...
Country: United States of America
Stars: DJ Harvey, Martin O'Brien, Sharon Virtue,
How do artists view their own work? How does actor Esko Salminen immerse himself in his roles, how does the writer/di...
Country: Finland
Stars: Pekka Strang, Hannu-Pekka Björkman, Esko Salminen,
With the same intensity with which the flashing blue light illuminates its surroundings, fatal experiences are burned...
Country: Netherlands
Tulare Lake, once the largest freshwater lake west of the Mississippi, was drained by settlers in the 19th century an...
Country: United States of America
A non-human, alien mummy found recently in Peru, could be the greatest discovery of all time, re-writing history as w...
Stars: Barry Fitzgerald, Steve Mera
Kelly Sildaru, the freestyle prodigy, tells the story of her decade of suffering in order to recover and give a voice...
Country: Estonia France
Stars: Kelly Sildaru
Arriving on the campus of the University of Michigan in the fall of 1991, the five freshmen--Chris Webber, Jalen Rose...
Stars: Ice Cube
Selling the Girl Next Door takes viewers into the world of underage American girls caught up in the violent sex trade...
Country: United States of America
The cast and crew of Silent Madness discuss their experiences.
Unraveled is a true crime podcast and television documentary series that examines some of the biggest murder mysterie...
Country: Portugal
Stars: Paulo César Fajardo
A tender portrait of Lee & Wanda, together for decades: one a singer, the other a showgirl and the many adventures th...
What makes a normal person a serial killer? Why do some people like to torture others? Do some of us have evil in our...
Deadly Women are often cloaked. One woman's killings go undetected for years; a Granny whose husbands keep dying avoi...
Was it genocide? Epidemics? Climate change? Interbreeding? Competitive replacement? In order to find out, this ambiti...
Sweeping across some of the most diverse landscapes on the planet, North America takes viewers from the silent grande...
Stars: Tom Selleck, Rutger Hauer
Following the loss of Derek Draper in January 2024, his wife Kate Garraway shares a personal insight into the final y...
Country: United Kingdom
Stars: Kate Garraway, Derek Draper, Charlotte Hawkins,
A circus-like dark comedy about a country of destruction.
Country: Turkey
Examining life at life's end is the poignant subtext of 'Next Year in Jerusalem,' a poetic journey at once metaphoric...
Country: United States of America Israel
In the liminal space between the jungle and the wide river that runs through it, steeped in myths of anacondas, piran...
Country: Australia Peru
Not since 1976 has a woman raced in Formula 1; Susie Wolff is determined to change that. A documentary filmed by her ...
Stars: Susie Wolff, Lewis Hamilton, David Coulthard,
This pseudo diary film is made of found materials from an unfinished 16mm film. Potenciais à Deriva is a film starte...
Country: Brazil United States of America
The Afro-German actor Helen Wendt takes the audience on a journey along her family history between the GDR, Mozambiqu...
Country: Germany
A short documentary about cinematic gaze featuring interviews with women in the film industry.
Stars: Nina Menkes, Nina M. Barbosa Blad, Bernadette Kolonko